Training Splits for Women with Emphasis on Legs

Ladies let’s talk about splits or training routines, especially with regard to areas we are very concerned about looking good, such as our butts, or glutes.  First of all, when you lift weights, the goal is to damage the muscle fibers so that they rebuild in a different shape that is stronger. Accordingly, your muscles develop or grow when you rest them, not when you work them out. I see ladies in the gym working only their glutes day after day after day. This is not a good way to grow and develop your muscles. I see men do this same thing when they work their chest and biceps. Some research I’ve found says that your muscles can get away with 48 hours of rest, some research says 6-7 days.

Back to developing my weight training split / weight training schedule. Everyone has different reasons for becoming more fit. I want to look good and be strong. I noticed that the front of my legs looked a lot better, but that the back of my legs looked jiggly still. I also became aware due to the comments of an, er, hater, that my ass had been shrunk. Indeed, at that point in my weight loss journey, I’d lost probably 17 lbs but around 4 inches from my butt. I was worried, so I started doing a second leg day with mostly glut and hamstring exercises.

Posterior Legs Workout Plan for Women, beginner:

3 sets of 10 repetitions each:

Box Step Ups with Dumbbells

Leg Press Machine, single leg, turned sideways, pressing from the heel

Glut Machine / Kick Back Machine

Goblet Squats – weighted with a single dumbbell

Leg Lunges or Pulse Lunges with Perfect Form, Deep Bend, Knee to Ground

Do 1 other leg exercise of your choice so that you perform a total of 6 exercises, total, minimum.

Posterior Legs Workout Plan for Women, Intermediate:

Same as above, plus:

*Add dumbbells to the lunges as you are able, as long as you can maintain correct form

*Add a hip circle elastic band to your legs when you do the leg press machine. You will probably have to go down in weight and use 2 legs.

Prone Hamstring Curl Machine (try to flex your foot and flatten or round your back by tilting your pelvis forward to activate hams)

Glut Raise – either on leg curl machine, on the ground with a barbell, or against a bench with a barbell

Advanced Leg Workout Plan for Posterior Legs:

Same as above, plus:

Kettle Bell Swings incorporated almost into a goblet squat and hip thrust

Dead Lift on Smith Machine on a step with or without a riser. Good warm up compound movement.

Bulgarian Split Squat on Smith Machine – Barbell on Shoulders Lunge on Step with or without a riser. Allows for deeper weighted lunge or Alternating back lunge on Smith Machine with a high knee

Back hyperextension on Smith Machine with a Bench and a plate

Dumbbell RDL with dumbbells at sides of legs

Good Morning with Barbell on Traps

Single Leg Glut Bridge / Glut Raise on Ground instead of other Glut Raise

Nordic Curl on mat – ground level fall

My Newest Leg Day Routine: What about Vastus Lateralis?

Focus on Ham/ Glu, Quads, Calves and Now: Adductors or Inner Thighs

Wider Stance / Sumo Stance on exercises you are already doing – do not let knees come bend in- you’ll tear a ligament. Keep knees open wide.

Side leg lunges / aka Lateral Lunge

Squat Jumps onto box or on ground with BBs with wider stance

Deficit Sumo DL with single BB on riser so you can go lower

Hip band on ankles side walk

In and Out squat jumps into Sumo Squat Hold

Scissor Kicks on Floor

Wide Stance Sumo Goblet Squat

Jump Squat with DBs

Single Leg Romanian DL with 1 leg kicked back straight and DBs.