Spartan Training and Preparation for Women Over 40

If you’re looking for information on training for a Spartan, from a real person who is not experienced, nor is an expert, but did complete one, you’ve come to the right place!

There are several different kinds of obstacle course races, including Spartans, Tough Mudders, etc.

I chose to complete a Spartan because my adult daughter signed up for one with a friend of hers, who is a very experienced Spartan competitor.

I used to be able to easily run 6-10 miles and used to run that weekly. However, I haven’t been running as much since the pandemic. In 2022, I did run 5-6 miles maybe 3 times, cold without training, so I felt that I could run the distance of 10k (6 miles)

To train for the Spartan, I did go out **once** to make sure I could run the required miles. (-;

I practiced hangs and farmer’s carries overhead and hanging.

I continued working out on my regular split (Push-Pull-Legs) with an emphasis for increasing how heavy I lift for 1-2 rep max. Below is my official training plan that I followed to get ready for the Spartan.

My Goal was to Increase Weight Weekly

Pull Up /Chin Up

Pull (=back, palms away) / (Chin=biceps and back, palms face you, supposedly easier)

Current Max: 5 assisted

Goal: Complete Athlean X Pull Up Plan = 3 Pull Ups in 22 days

Bench Press

Current: 105 x 4 / 95 X 8

Goal: Intermed 107/ Adv 153


Current: Sumo 185 x 2 / 170×5 / 115×10

Current: RDL 185×1 / 165 x 5 / 115×10

Goal int/adv: 190-258

Military / Vertical Press

Current: 75 x 2

70 x 5 / 45×8-10

Goal int/adv: 75-103

Squats (Back Squat)

Current: 150×5 / 115 x 10 / 125 x 8

Goal int/adv: 160-222


Current: 45 x 6 / 40×12 /

Goal int/adv: 73-106


Current: 20×12/ 30×5

Goal int/adv: 30-47

I started a pull up plan – because I can’t do a pull up. Still can’t. But, if I had been more committed to following this pull up plan, which was courtesy of Athlean X, it is likely that I would have done better. Perhaps I would have even been able to do a pull up!

22 Days to 3 Pull Ups

Testing Day

  • Inverted Rows to Failure: 11 high / 7 low
  • Hang with Hollow Body: 32 seconds

Non-Testing Day 1

  • Chair Assisted Pull Up – Chair As Spot: Goal: ½ as many inverted rows as done on test day
  • Inverted Rows: Goal Test Day # + 40%

Non-Testing Day 2

  • Eccentric Pull Up with chair behind you, strt with chin over bar. Goal: Do half as many as # inverted rows. Rest Pause OK
  • Inverted Rows # +50%

Non-Testing Day 3

  • Hollow Rock: Don’t let legs / head hit the floor. Track time spent
  • Inverted Rows # + 60%

Repeat Through Day 20

Day 21

  • Repeat Test Day

Day 22

  • Test How Many Pull Ups You Can Do

Things I should have done additionally to train for the Spartan Super: I should have practiced more plyometrics and I should have practiced hoisting myself with my leg over my head as leverage to pull myself. And I should have practiced pull ups / grip strength on wide diameter bars.

In spite of my not super dedicated training commitment, I did complete the Spartan and did most of the obstacles, but there were many that I simply could not do or even attempt due to my lack of upper body strength / grip strength / fear of dying! (-;

Check out my YouTube Page for Information on How You Can Do It!