Let’s talk about the muscle groups that comprise the legs:
If I didn’t have such naturally big legs, this wouldn’t freaking matter. But I do. And I want them to look more toned and not flabby, so I gotta build the muscles!
Glut – 3 muscles –glut maximus big and hip extension; medius side, minimus top. (glut medius – adduction of hip- stand next to a wall and lean but/ relax butt away from wall and then contract the opposite butt cheek toward the wall 20 x AND if that’s too easy, push against ball against wall to drive across). Glut medius on cable machine with ankle attachment on all 4s, swing leg away from cable machine- kick to your side. Then stand up and keep cable on leg and do fire hydrant – kick leg out). Lunges deep; kneel or stand and pull rope cable through middle of legs, glut bridge with back on ground and feet on bench and a plate. Kneeling good morning on smith machine with knees bout a foot behind bar. Banded side step with band on ankle – glut medius and minimus – shelf area of butt. Wide stance goblet squat. Abduction machine lean forward – change position per Erin Stern – makes it harder – hits all 3 muscles – point toes, lean back, extend legs, rotate pelvis forward – only 50 lbs instead of whole stack – 25 reps. Banded cable squat – put band on just below knees, straight bar on cable machine, set it to your body weight and lean back and do squat, push thru heels up and back, wide stance toes point out. Cable machine single leg abduction lead with heel, you’ll need to hold on to machine, builds shelf of bootie – is a good finisher.
Calves 2 muscles – knee straight, knee bent- all calves do is point toes. Nordic curl starting position, but sit into calves and then launch out into angle forward – onto physio ball if necessary. 2 get a single step and put toe on it, straight knees, lean forward and g hold on to something and put DB in 1 hand and do calf raises, then repeat with toes out and then toes in, and toes straight.
Hamstrings – biceps femoris = outside and inside semi tendinosus on medial and also semimembrinosus
Quadriceps – 4 (knee extension and 1 of them hip flexion?)– Rectus Femoris (front of thigh, covers the vastus intermedius), Vastus Lateralis (outer thigh, targeted with narrower stance, is a large, naturally strong muscle and best worked on isolation machines), Vastus Medialis (short, just above knee works to stabilize knee when landing), Vastus Intermedius (can’t see is under another muscle – the rectus femoris)
Back squat Machine
Front Squat Machine
Hack Squat Machine (45 degree back toward ground squat machine)– vastus lateralis or can use BB behind calves and do DL movement
Leg Press Machine (upside down, legs in air back toward ground machine) – thighs in general, outer thigh,
BB Squat (BB behind neck on traps)– gen thigh, inner thigh
Leg Press Upside down Squat machine – gen thigh and inner thigh
BB lunge – gen thigh, outer thigh Vastus Lateralis, Inner thigh
DB lunge – Vastus Lateralis
Front BB squat – outer thigh
Courtesy of and Inspired by “Athlean X”‘s total leg program:
BB Squat warm up and then work up slowly a few reps to get ready 5 rep max is goal to start. 5, 5, 10, 25
3 min rest and decompress spine
BB glut raise / Hip thrust on box or on specialized machine called Glut Ham Raise Machine – looks like a machine for Nordic Curl – I think its by the chin up machine and ab machines at Roseville Cal Fit. 4 x 25, 10, 5, 5
DB Bulgarian hi / low split squat – alternate quad vs glut ham focus by changing how you bend. 1 foot on raised bench behind you, and then lean forward into almost a DL with DBs. If you bend forward a little bit and then drop straight down, this activates quads; but if you drop down on next set into sprinter lunge position – really flexing / bending both knees this activates glutes / quads 2 x 10-12
Do same exercise jumping / plyo with body weight only 1 x failure each leg
Lunge with DB and elastic band grabbing knee and connected in front of bod to something into full extension. Lock out is not bad. It is important. 2-3 of 10-12 ea leg
DB goblet side lunge. / lateral lunge on slick surface sliding – resist and activate adductors to drive self up. 2 x 10-12vea leg
Side steps R then L, 2 R, 2L, up to 10 with elastic band for abductors